This time polly pocket and batman action figures , 7 million play sets and more than 250 , 000 die - cast cars are being pulled from the shelves because of dangers to children from lead paint 这次的召回行动中约有700万件柏丽袖珍玩具和蝙蝠侠可动人形,以及25万件汽车玩具被下架。
This time polly pocket and batman action figures , 7 million play sets and more than 250 , 000 die - cast cars are being pulled from the shelves because of dangers to children from lead paint 这次7百万件柏丽袖珍玩具和蝙蝠侠可动人形,以及25万只倒模制作的汽车玩具因含有可危害儿童的铅元素被撤架。
This time polly pocket and batman action figures , 7 million play sets and more than 250 , 000 die - cast cars are being pulled from the shelves because of dangers to children from lead paint 这次因含有可危害儿童的铅元素, 7百万件柏丽袖珍玩具和蝙蝠侠可动人形,以及25万只倒模制作的汽车玩具被下架。
This time polly pocket and batman action figures , 7 million play sets and more than 250 , 000 die - cast cars are being pulled from the shelves because of dangers to children from lead paint 在这次召回行动中,多达700万个“口袋波利”和蝙蝠侠模型以及20万个汽车模型由于表面喷漆中含有对儿童有害的铅成分而被下架。
This time polly pocket and batman action figures , 7 million play sets and more than 250 , 000 die - cast cars are being pulled from the shelves because of dangers to children from lead paint 这次回收的波利口袋和蝙蝠侠玩具有700万个,超过25万经压铸而成的汽车玩具也从货架上被拿了下来,原因是该玩具的铅涂料对孩子来说是一种威胁。
This indicates the argument about human and human advance is worth of investigating . how to exploit labor ' s latent potentiality and how to bring all the positive factor into full play set a new task of modern bussiness management in which fairness is a matter of common interest and discussion continuously 人本管理作为一种新型的管理理论,是人力资源管理的主流思想和核心内容,这也说明了人在现代企业中的重要价值,而人力资源管理中的公平问题一直为人们所关注和探讨。
play setとは意味:プレーセット、遊具セット、ジャングルジム?滑り台?はしごなどが一体化された遊具